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I just finished and reviewed Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker. You can read my review on Associated Content; I really like the book! Here is a photo I took of the review copy supplied by Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. It is sitting next to some of my VAST collection of mom souvenirs: pipe cleaner flowers, a painted and fired clay butterfly, beach glass from one of our beachcombing trips on the Texas coast, and a carved Goddess out of horn from a friend that is nestled into a glass dish my mom gave me.

Workspace Picture

Yes, this is my humble workspace. =) It is not much, but it is my writing home. You can’t see the bookshelves within arms reach or the huge erasable board where I jot down ideas and brainstorm, but they are there!

Summertime Motivation

We are full blown into Summer and I have almost no motivation to write. Well, I would love to be writing, but my four kids say otherwise. How do homeschool Moms ever find time to write. I make snacks, make drinks, change channels, find games…ALL day long!

Crafty Quote

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” ~Ernest Hemingway, New York Journal-American

I came across this writing related quote in Writer’s Digest. It really illustrates the point that we are constantly on the journey but never at the destination when we are writers. We are always honing and tweaking our skills and style.

If you aren’t familiar with Associated Content, I would highly recommend you get familiar. If you are an aspiring writer, you can sign up and make some money and promote your work and if you just like to read, you can find some great articles on a wide range of topics.

I have been a contributor at Associated Content since 2007. You can find my profile and list of articles here. I am a featured contributor in the diet and weight loss category, video game category and I am also a local featured contributor for Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Associated Content has been a wonderful place for me to practice my craft and it just keeps getting better! Associated Content is now a part of Yahoo! Anyone who has been online for any length of time can tell you what a big deal that is. It means big things are coming…bigger opportunities, bigger markets, bigger audiences viewing my content and that of all the other contributors.  AC has a lot of content providers and I follow the work of quite a few of them.

This is the official first blog post of Meryl Quinn; writer, mother, wife and creative mastermind behind “Write Handed”. I am looking forward to sharing my Associated Content articles, my other work and helping other writers find writing opportunities online.